So what are palletizers?
They are machines used for placing cartons/boxes on pallets. Specific palletizers are available to handle different kinds of loads such as bags, pails, drums and crates. Usually, most palletizers are designed to handle more than just one kind of load.
3 most common configurations of palletizers:
- Robotic (for fragile products)

Low level and high level palletizers are most suitable when packing and shipping speed is crucial . In both cases, product may be received in a rolling or flowing fashion and continuously transferred to pallets. Robotic palletizers tend to be slower but they are deviced to apply less stress on the material, lessening risk of damage.
Palletizers are available in automatic and semi-automatic. For fully automatic palletizers, not much operator intervention is required to handle the palletizing process. Semi-automatic palletizers, on the other hand require operators to stack the layers onto pallets without lifting.
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